Lymphatic Drainage Massage(3 for 265, 5 for 400)

Lymphatic Massage is a type of massage that aims to activate the natural drainage of lymph. This type of massage is included in our post lipo massage to reduce inflammation caused by excessive accumulation of fluids and toxic waste in the body that originates after any cosmetic surgery.

The lymphatic massage can also reduce edema in pregnant women; pregnant woman accumulates large amounts of liquids that cannot be removed by the lymphatic system’s natural process due to weight gain.

Lymph drainage massage can be extremely beneficial to clients who suffer from allergies, have had recent surgery, or suffer from edema. The treatment is quite relaxing to the client as it has a highly calming effect on the body.

Recommend 5 to 10 sessions 1-hour sessions

Lymphatic Massages


$95 / Per Instance / Per Guest

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